Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meeting Locations In Santa Cruz & Scotts Valley, CA

The Camp Recovery Center helps adults struggling with drug and alcohol addiction find long-term recovery. Located near Scotts Valley & San Jose, CA, The Camp provides premier substance abuse rehabilitation.

Benefits of AA

Benefits of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

When individuals are battling the compulsion to abuse alcohol, their need for support often goes well beyond spending time in a structured treatment program. As such, it is important for those who are in recovery from alcohol abuse to be aware of the supports that are available to them.

Once such type of support is found in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. These meetings offer a setting for individuals to come together and share their personal stories and experiences with alcoholism. In this way, they can give and receive support to and from others who have fought similar battles and experienced similar challenges.

Additionally, by participating in AA groups, individuals are able to obtain sponsorships. These sponsorships usually occur on a one-to-one basis wherein one individual – often who has been in recovery longer than the other person – will help hold the other person accountable for his or her actions. By setting this accountability, individuals may be less likely to relapse into drinking. Furthermore, by developing these types of relationships, individuals have someone who they can reach out to when they are feeling tempted to use. Because the sponsor has been through the same trials and tribulations, they are often able to help the person come to understand that resuming drinking is not the answer.

It is important to note that you do not need to have first participated in a treatment program prior to engaging in AA meetings. This support is available without prerequisites, making it a warm and welcoming experience for many.

Types of Groups

Types of AA Groups

There are typically two different types of Alcoholics Anonymous groups – open meetings and closed meetings.

As the name suggests, the key component of Alcoholics Anonymous is anonymity. This concept gives individuals the sense of security that their matters will be kept private, while still allowing them to develop bonds with others who have endured similar experiences to their own.

To that end, closed meetings refer to group settings where only members or prospective members can engage in the group. In order to inquire about becoming a member of an AA group, the only requirement is that one must possess a desire to stop drinking alcohol. As such, becoming a member of an AA group is quite different than what one normally thinks of when referring to group memberships. Therefore, this should not dissuade anyone from seeking out participation in these groups.

In contrast, open meetings refer to group settings where anyone from the public is welcome to attend. The importance of anonymity still stands true, but those who participate in the group are made aware that visitors are welcome to attend and, as such, they should conduct themselves accordingly.

Open meetings can be beneficial for a number of reasons. For example, someone who is traveling to another city, yet does not want to miss out on the support that he or she receives when engaging in his or her home AA group, may search for open meetings to attend while he or she is visiting the area.

Additionally, individuals who are doing research on alcoholism, the benefits of AA, or other information can participate in these meetings to get the real-life experience of what the meetings entail. In these circumstances, however, the visitor should always state his or her reason for being there so that those in attendance can limit the information they share if they desire.

Local Groups & Locations

Finding AA Group meetings in Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and Monterey Counties

In Scotts Valley, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings can be found at the following locations during the listed days and times:

Saint Phillips Church

5271 Scotts Valley Drive

Scotts Valley, CA 95066

  • Sunday, 2:30pm
  • Monday, 12:00pm
  • Wednesday, 8:00pm
  • Thursday – 5:30pm
  • Saturday – 11:00am

Community Covenant Church

2700 El Rancho Drive

Scotts Valley, CA 95060

  • Tuesday, 8:00pm

For a comprehensive list of days, times, and locations of AA meetings throughout Santa Cruz County, please visit the Alcoholics Anonymous of Santa Cruz County website.

For residents of Campbell, California, a list of AA meetings can be found here:

Residents of other cities within Santa Clara County can find a comprehensive list of AA meetings on the website for the Santa Clara County Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.

For residents of Monterey County, the website for the Monterey Bay Area Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous provides a list of AA meeting schedules.

Experiential Therapies

The Camp Recovery Center offers a variety of outdoor-focused experiential therapies.

Refreshing Location

Nestled on 25 acres in the redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains, The Camp’s grounds provide a serene location for clients to recalibrate and refresh as they focus on recovery.

Dedication to Success

For nearly 30 years, The Camp has provided cutting-edge rehabilitation. Our clinical team creates individualized treatment plans to give our clients the tools they need for a successful recovery.

I had been in rehab before, but I never experienced treatment like how The Camp does treatment. Their programs are amazing and so many people changed their lives while I was in treatment there. It felt so good to be a part of a community of recovery. I'd recommend the Camp to everyone.

– Vivian M.
Marks of Quality Care
  • American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
  • Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
  • Department of Health Care Services

Licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services